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STROIK is an Architectural Lighting Design firm with offices in Washington, DC and McLean, VA. Since 2014, STROIK prides itself in developing and delivering lighting design that enhances architecture, art, and environment impacting human experience. Our team brings unique individual backgrounds and perspectives in architecture, design, and lighting to master the revelation of light. We enjoy problem solving and love the challenges of sensitively playing with light and shadow in the enterprise of high quality results. We have had the privilege to work on a full range of commercial, civic, cultural, retail, theatrical, and residential projects from master planning to conceptual design and development to completion of installation, focusing of luminaires, and control system programming. Utilizing both cutting edge technology and practical experience, STROIK offers insight and ingenuity that considers function, aesthetics, budget, energy, green initiatives, cost effectiveness, and maintainability in the enterprise of design. 

We are born of light...we only know the world as it is evoked by light.  -Louis Kahn



Since founding Stroik Lighting Design in 2014, Chris enthusiastically approaches projects as opportunities to play with light and shadow - to manifest the spatial or object's essence and expression. With a foundation as an architect, Chris is keyed into the meanings, objectives, and goals of architectural and performance environments - always interested in pushing the envelope while taking the backseat to the greater objectives of the designer's, architect's, or Owner's vision. When Chris isn't at work he can be found enjoying time playing guitar, kayaking, skiing, water tubing or sailing with his family. 



Harry loves lighting, working with the SLD team, and working with our clients. In his off time, he loves long walks and visiting Civil War sites with his wife Katie and dog, Rusty, and is currently working on a companion volume to his translations of the complete work of the Roman epic poet Saleius Bassus.



Allison is an avid lover of the outdoors and when she is not working, she can be found riding bikes, hiking or playing in the creek with her two girls and her husband. Although Allison is not a lighting designer she loves shadows and the play of light in nature. 


3307 M Street NW Suite 301

Washington, DC 20007

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